Podcast: “The Children are Dirty, They’re Sick”: Extreme Overcrowding and Unsanitary Conditions Reported at Migrant Detention Centers 2019-06-24

The Takeaway

“The Children are Dirty, They’re Sick”: Extreme Overcrowding and Unsanitary Conditions Reported at Migrant Detention Centers

Last week, migrant children being held in a Customs and Border Protection facility in Clint, Texas told a team of lawyers they hadn’t bathed in weeks and are sleeping on concrete floors.

South Bend Locals Question Buttigieg’s Leadership After Police Shooting of Black Resident 

Mayor Pete Buttigieg’s local leadership is being questioned after the death of South Bend resident Eric Logan, who was shot and killed by a white police officer.

Instant Replay Draws Scrutiny in Women’s World Cup

Instant replay in soccer — known as VAR for Video Assistant Referee — is here to stay, but that hasn’t stopped the controversy around it from dominating World Cup conversations. 

Life After Overdose, Part 1: The Overdose

In the first part of our series “Life After Overdose,” we meet 41-year-old Lauren Hamilton, and 25-year-old April Erion. Both survived opioid overdoses in the last year.

Other segments:

The Trump Campaign Has Not Paid Their Police Bills 

The Trump campaign owes at least $841,219 to ten different municipal governments for police services during his campaign rallies.  

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