New Report Says the VA Underspent on Suicide Prevention Outreach

The Takeaway

New Report Says the VA Underspent on Suicide Prevention Outreach

A new report just out from the Government Accountability Office says the VA has failed on a massive scale to address the problem of veteran suicide.

Medical Foster Homes Can Be an Option for Elderly Veterans, But The VA Won’t Pay for Them

If the bill passes, more than 328,000 veterans in the first year might be able to take advantage of medical foster homes.

Utah Prepares to Roll Out Toughest DUI Law in the Nation

Nationally, over the past 5 years, an average of 300 people died in drunk driving crashes in the week between Christmas and New Year alone. 

What You Need To Know About The Fed’s Increase and Your Housing Options

Last week, the Federal Reserve announced an increase in interest rates to a range of 2.25 to 2.5 percent.


Dave Philipps

Kristofer Goldsmith

Carson Frame

Dr. Barron Lerner

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