Misha Friedman

The World

Misha Friedman is a documentary photographer with a background in humanitarian work. He is based in NYC.

Misha Friedman is a NYC-based documentary photographer with a background in humanitarian work. His recent long-term projects deal with corruption and patriotism in Russia and the tuberculosis epidemic in the former Soviet Union. 

Lt. Maya Breslavski and her team detain a drunk driver after he attempted to flee the scene.

Drug users are presumed criminals in Ukraine. New police training is aimed at changing that.


Ukraine has one of the fastest-growing HIV/AIDS epidemics in the world. One of the main reasons: intravenous drug use. But just outside the capital Kiev, a group is working with police to change their approach toward drug users — to treat addiction as an illness, not a crime.

The grip of HIV and tuberculosis in South Africa: Portraits of survivors and those who are gone

Vendors sell bike rentals, guided tours and memorabilia outside the main entrance to Mezhyhirya.

The unusual things you’ll see while touring the lavish estate of Ukraine’s ex-president (PHOTOS)

Global Politics
The the main club house inside Mezhgorye, the residence of Ukraine's ousted president Victor Yanukovych.

Ukrainians vowed to turn their ex-president’s estate into a ‘Museum of Corruption.’ But it’s something else now.

Yana, 40 (left) with her social worker Olga. Yana has recently been released from prison and Olga helps Yana readjust to the everyday life. Mariupol 2016.

Stigma, discrimination, violence: Among the internally displaced in Ukraine with HIV (Photos)
