Today, the Democratic Republic of Congo celebrates half a century of independence from Belgium. In Congo itself, the anniversary has been met with mixed emotions, as Michael Kavanagh reports from Kinshasa, the Congolese capital.
The continued presence of Ugandan LRA rebels in the Democratic Republic of Congo has complicated a debate about how long United Nations peacekeepers should stay in that country. Michael Kavanagh reports from the town of Niangara, DR Congo.
Rwandan Hutu militias have continued to survive in eastern Congo for a decade. In some cases, they’ve received support from Rwandans around the world, including some in the United States. Reporter Michael Kavanagh.
The Democratic Republic of Congo is a country again in turmoil. The latest violence involves a rebel general named Laurent Nkunda. Nkunda’s managed to take over large swathes of eastern Congo with a small band of well-trained soldiers.
Reporter Michael Kavanagh has the latest from eastern Congo, where fighting between pro-government forces and Tutsi rebels has displaced more than a quarter million people.