Michael Hudson


Michael Hudson is a senior editor for the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists.

Michael Hudson is a senior editor for the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists.

World Bank projects leave trail of misery around the globe


Dams, power plants, conservation programs and other World Bank-sponsored projects have pushed millions of people from their homes, lands and livelihoods.

Selly Rotich stands in what used to be her kitchen. Hours earlier ​Kenya Forest Service  officers destroyed the mud and thatch dwelling, Rotich said.

Indigenous tribe watches houses burn and points fingers at the World Bank

Four years after a forced eviction from ancestral land, the father of 9 year old Revan Pragustiawan says his son is traumatized and afraid to meet people.

In the disappearing rainforests of Indonesia, a 9-year-old boy copes with the trauma of eviction
