Kaung Htet is the chief photographer and photo editor at The Myanmar Times News Journal, the only journal in Myanmar published in English as well as in Burmese. After obtaining his medical degree from Institute of Medicine 1, Yangon, Kaung changed career paths. He began working as a freelance photographer before joining the The Myanmar Times staff in May 2009. Kaung’s work has appeared in The Guardian, The Observer, The Times, Getty Images, Reuters, South East Asian Globe and Getty Images among other publications. Kaung also works for International Non Governmental Organizations such as MSF (Holland), OXFAM, CARE, FXB and many more. Kaung has done assignment together with many photographers from Magnum and National Geographic for the book "7 days in Myanmar" by Editions Didier Millet (Edm). Kaung currently resides in Yangon, Myanmar and covers major news events throughout the country.