Anthony Langat

Freelance journalist

World Bank projects leave trail of misery around the globe


Dams, power plants, conservation programs and other World Bank-sponsored projects have pushed millions of people from their homes, lands and livelihoods.

Anti-LGBT groups are making inroads across East Africa


In Africa, being gay makes you a target for extortion


Kenya’s anti-terror police are inflicting terror of their own


When Kenya kills: A family’s quest for justice

Muslim leaders are trying to change the way Kenya fights terrorism

The Kenyan government is accused of collectively punishing Muslims for the actions of a few.

Selly Rotich stands in what used to be her kitchen. Hours earlier ​Kenya Forest Service  officers destroyed the mud and thatch dwelling, Rotich said.

Indigenous tribe watches houses burn and points fingers at the World Bank


A former World Bank official says the bank shut down his efforts to defend rights of tribal group in Kenya.