Binders full of foreign policy

Does Obama apologize for America?


Mitt Romney asserts President Obama has apologized for America and American values. True or false?

Trans-Atlantic Affairs: Would Romney “strengthen our partnerships” in the world?


Counterterrorism: Obama and Romney on drones, Guantanamo and Al Qaeda


Change the debate format to let candidates question one another


Debt crisis: Would Obama take the United States “down a path to Greece?”

The World

Syria war: Did Obama call Syrian President Bashar al Assad a reformer?


The Romney campaign charges President Obama with calling Assad a reformer as he kills thousands of Syrians. Is this fair?

China trade: Has Obama allowed China to manipulate its currency?


Romney campaign charges that Obama has failed to get tough on China currency manipulation.

Where was Latin America in the foreign policy debate?


Romney says he wants more trade with the Americas and fumes at Obama for suggesting sit-downs with Chavez and Castro. But most Latin America issues were absent.

US-Israel relations: Is Obama alienating Israel, America’s closest ally in the Middle East?


Romney says he would be a better friend to Israel than Obama.

Iran nukes: Has Obama let Tehran get closer to possessing a bomb?


On Iran’s nuclear program, Romney’s “red lines” differ from Obama’s.