
Syrians in Cyprus live in limbo as government pauses asylum process

Israel-Hamas war

The government of Cyprus declared a “migrant emergency” in April after more than 2,000 people arrived there by sea in the first three months of 2024. That’s compared to just 78 in the same period of 2023. Many are Syrians fleeing war and economic crises in Lebanon, which has been home to more than a million refugees since the Syrian civil war started. In Nicosia, Cyprus, the government has stopped processing asylum requests from Syrians, which has left a whole community in limbo. 

An abandoned hotel in southern Lebanon has become a sanctuary for dozens of displaced families

Israel-Hamas war

Baseball rises in Argentina thanks to Venezuelan migration


‘It’s a lifelong injury’: From Gaza to Doha, children bear the scars of war 

Israel-Hamas war

Migrants take to social media to document their risky journey to the US


A North Korean refugee offers a different view of his home country from the other side of the DMZ

Each year, thousands of tourists visit the demilitarized zone that separates North and South Korea. Now a North Korean defector is guiding tourists and offering his view of what it is actually like to grow up on the other side.

Wafaa Mustafa was married to American ISIS fighter Russell Dennison.

‘We have no future’: A Syrian woman speaks about her life with an American ISIS member

Shadow of ISIS

When the terrorist group ISIS emerged in Syria in the last decade, some 30,000 foreign fighters went to Syria to fight for the group. Most were from Europe and Asia. About 300 Americans joined or attempted to join ISIS, including one woman who was married to an American ISIS fighter. 

This Paris suburb gets a facelift amid controversy ahead of the 2024 Olympic Games

Summer Olympics 2024

Paris won the bid to host this summer’s Olympics, in part, on a promise to rejuvenate one of the country’s most notorious suburbs: Seine-Saint-Denis. But not all residents are sure the transformation will work.

Three people cross a ravine as they walk through a forest with water bottles and backpacks.

‘I’ll go for the American dream’: After struggling to get legal status in Colombia, many Venezuelan migrants are heading to the US


For years, Colombia has been the main destination for Venezuelans escaping their nation’s humanitarian crisis. But that’s changing as Colombia’s government makes it harder for them to get residency permits.

Migrants say crossing Mexico has become increasingly challenging


Mexican authorities have increased efforts to impede the transit of migrants arriving at the southern US border in response to requests by the Biden administration.