Wylie Dufresne

Studio 360

Wylie, Eggs, Chihuahuas

This week, Studio 360 follows the art and science of a delicious meal. Kurt Andersen visits the kitchen of Wylie Dufresne, who owns the adventurous New York restaurant WD-50. Dufresne believes that the organic ingredients and fine food are not incompatible with the kind of chemicals we might see on a packet of Twinkies. We’ll […]

Studio 360

Artists and Obama

To mark the Inauguration we asked poets, actors, and musicians to leave voicemails for the new president. Artists who turned Obama into an icon during the campaign, find themselves in a quandary. And Kurt has an exit interview with departing NEA chairman Dana Gioia. Plus, all of New York City fits into a single room […]

Studio 360

Wylie, Eggs, Andersson

Kurt visits the kitchen of Wylie Dufresne, who owns the adventurous New York restaurant WD-50. Dufresne believes that organic ingredients and fine food are not incompatible with the kind of chemicals we might see on a package of Twinkies. We’ll follow the creation of a single dish — Eggs Benedict — from the chicken farm […]