Sunni Shia divide

An Iraqi soldier carries a displaced child from Ramadi on the outskirts of Baghdad on May 19, 2015.

As ISIS seeks revenge in Ramadi, a US veteran fears for his Sunni allies there


The news that ISIS has taken Ramadi hits home for veterans like Tom Daly. As a Marine, he helped US forces take the capital of Iraq’s Anbar province by building an alliance with Sunni nationalists who are now targets for ISIS fighters.

Aleppo's Umayyad mosque in northern Syria. The 8th century structure is labelled "in danger" on UNESCO's list of culturally significant heritage sites.

ISIS is waging another war — on culture and history

A screenshot from a video released by four Bahraini men calling on their Sunni countrymen to take up arms against the country's ruling family and Shiite majority.

ISIS looks to spread its recruiting and violence to the Persian Gulf
