Yemeni al-Qaeda crackdown

American-born Al Qaeda leader killed in Yemen

Anwar al-Awlaki, one of the most wanted terrorist figures who was responsible for the Times Square car bombing, was killed in Yemen today.

Men look at wall graffiti depicting a American drone along a street in Sana'a, Yemen, on November 9, 2013.

This Yemeni says US drone strikes are actually helping al-Qaeda

A screenshot from a video released by al Qaeda on December 4, 2014, showing captured British-American photojournalist Luke Somers.

A failed rescue attempt in Yemen may have put an American hostage at greater risk

Journalist Iona Craig in London

No accredited Western reporters remain to witness a huge military offensive against al-Qaeda in Yemen

Conflict & Justice
Yemen drone strike

An intense strike against al-Qaeda in Yemen shows the US is still struggling to contain the terrorist group

Conflict & Justice
Yemen drone strike

An intense strike against al-Qaeda in Yemen shows the US is still struggling to contain the terrorist group

Conflict & Justice

The US has been fighting al-Qaeda ever since the September 11 attacks more than a dozen years ago. US President Obama said al-Qaeda is a now a shadow of itself. Yet the organization seems to keep growing and changing, in spite of continuing US strikes against it.

Drones in Yemen: A Scene from Ground Level

On Tuesday, the State Department advised all Americans in Yemen to leave the country because of “the continued potential for terrorist attacks.” That warning came after the closure of U.S. embassies in the Middle East and North Africa due to a security threat. That evacuation shows that the frontline of the war on terror is no […]

Al Qaeda’s Yemen Connection

The security threat that’s forced the closure of U.S. embassies in several countries is emanating from Yemen, and al Qaeda’s franchise there. Yemen scholar Gregory Johnsen says al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is growing, and its leader, Nasser al Wuhayshi is a patient, strategic thinker.

The World

US Citizen’s Death by Drone

Global Politics

Reporter Jeremy Scahill talks about the American drone program and about the 2011 death of a 16-year old U.S. citizen, Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, the result of a drone attack in Yemen.

Why Drones Are Our Modern Nuclear Bomb

The use of the nuclear bomb in World War II fundamentally altered the nature of modern warfare. For the United States, it forever changed the role of the presidency, giving the executive branch the power to unilaterally detonate a stunningly destructive bomb. Today, drones have, arguably, become the modern version of the nuclear bomb, controlled […]