
Activists of the youth wing of India's main opposition Congress party show slogans during a protest demanding the resignation of Home Minister Amit Shah following last week's clashes between people demonstrating for and against a new citizenship law in De

Indian policewoman describes the hazards of being a whistleblower

Conflict & Justice

As Indian officers are accused of standing by during violent persecution of Muslims, one policewoman describes the hardships of trying to change the force from the inside.

A man in shadow near greenery

Why did Trump withhold military aid from Ukraine?

Trump administration

The story of Edward Snowden is so unbelievable, sometimes you forget it’s nonfiction

Global Politics

Whistleblower Exposes Dishonest Practices at Citigroup

Kathy Bolkovac and Larysa Kondracki on ‘The Whistleblower’

Contaminated Water

Soldiers in Iraq may have been exposed to polluted water, a company whistleblower says, causing a number of mysterious illnesses among troops.

The World

Kentucky Coal Investigation

The investigation of one of the worst environmental accidents in the United States has been marred by allegations of government obstruction and company malpractice. The whistleblower is Jack Spadaro, a former member of the team that investigated the October 2000 coal slurry catastrophe. Last summer he was placed on leave from his position at the […]

The World

Russia and the Environment

Russian environmental activists are closely watching an upcoming court ruling on whether to retry a prominent government whistleblower for espionage. As Mark Hertzgaard reports, hardline tactics by the Putin government are giving fuel to a burgeoning environmental movement in Russia.