As governor of Texas, George Bush has instituted a controversial program of voluntary compliance with air quality regulations. Is it an approach that could work nationally? Reporter Janet Heimlich (HIME-lick) looks at Bush’s environmental philosophy.
Screenwriters are busy trying to figure out how to tell the story of our current economic collapse as entertainment. The cinematic gold standard for financial movies is still Oliver Stone’s “Wall Street,” from 1987. Matthew Cavnar spoke to some writers struggling to craft a “Wall Street” for our times.
The White House announced that President Bush would grant 14 pardons and commute 2 sentences before leaving office in January. The pardons did not include any of the high-profile defendants who have previously petitioned the Bush administration for help.
President Bush made the final speech of his presidency to the United Nations General Assembly Tuesday amidst the chaos of a financial meltdown on Wall Street. Neil MacFarquhar of the New York Times discusses President Bush’s farewell.
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