United States Department of the Interior

Brown arches naturally formed from stone in Arches National Park

Under Biden, US Interior Department will undergo a major directional shift

Biden administration

After four years in pursuit of extraction at the expense of conservation, the Interior Department will overhaul how it manages federal public lands and relates to Native Americans.

Grand Canyon view

Government report reveals a pattern of sexual harassment at some US national parks


Remembering a Native American Activist

Endangered Species Reconsidered

The World

Feds settle $3.4 billion suit over American Indian trusts

Conflict & Justice
The World

Ken Salazar: Sheriff of the Wild West

Global Politics

In Rolling Stone, Tim Dickinson paints a portrait of the Interior Department under President Bush as an environment of “cronyism” and “corruption” that will have a lasting effect on the environment and America’s pocketbook. He joins The Takeaway.