Ukraine–NATO relations

John Kerry in Ukraine

Here’s a look at how the White House and the Kremlin view Ukraine differently

Conflict & Justice

Russia says it has a right to protect its interests and those of Russian-speakers in Ukraine. The US says Russia can’t take matters into its own hands and needs to work through the UN. And Ukrainians just need help getting their country back on a political and economic footing.

John Kerry in Ukraine

Here’s a look at how the White House and the Kremlin view Ukraine differently

Conflict & Justice
The World

Ukraine worries about Russian aggression

Global Politics
The World

Cheney reassures Ukraine

Global Politics
The World

Ukrainians divided on Russia

Global Politics
The World

U.S. Russian relations strained

Global Politics

Lisa Mullins speaks with Monica Toft, associate professor of public policy at Harvard University, about the way U.S. missile defense plans are straining Washington’s relationship with Russia.

The World

Ukraine pursues NATO membership

Global Politics

President Bush promised today to help Ukraine in its efforts to join NAT) even though membership for the country is opposed by both France and Russia; Host Lisa Mullins speaks with Mychailo Wynnyckyj