Sociology of culture

Demonstrators protest against the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., on August 18, 2014.

Here’s why you should care if you don’t have any black friends


The conversation about events in Ferguson involves race, but maybe not in the way you think. While a new study showed that most white Americans don’t have non-white friends, many people say it shouldn’t be taken as an indicator of personal racism but rather large-scale issues that deserve the real attention.

Racial slur hurled at Boston Red Sox player brings to light disguised racism

Global Politics

Britain’s new “Speak English” rule challenged

Racism in home lending

What we lose when languages die

Racism Is Crippling African-American Advances in Mathematics

In a column that quickly got him fired from his post at National Review, John Derbyshire offered some parental advice that he gives his own children when teaching them about the African-American community. This advice, he says, “may save their lives.” One point he argues is that the “mean intelligence of blacks is much lower […]

Death of Chinese-American Soldier Draws Attention to Racism in Military

On Wednesday, eight American soldiers were charged in connection with the death of Pvt. Danny Chen. Chen’s body was found lying in a guard tower on an American outpost in Kandahar province in October. The 19-year-old soldier died from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. This case echoes the suicide of 21-year-old Lance […]

A Challenge to Britain’s new “Speak English” rule

Arts, Culture & Media

A British citizen is suing the UK government over a new requirement that her husband must speak English to qualify for a residential visa.

The World

Work: ‘Whitening’ the resume to get called back

Conflict & Justice

Every Thursday, The Takeaway focuses on work issues. This week we take a look at ethnic and racial discrimination in the hiring process and what some people are doing to better their chances of getting called back for a job.

The World

The culture of 9-11

Arts, Culture & Media

The images and tales of 9/11 are absorbed into mainstream culture. Jeff Melnick, professor of American studies at Babson College has studied the process. He put some of those thoughts into a book, called 9-11 Culture. He speaks with anchor Marco Werman.