Reihan Salam

The World

Rand Paul stirs trouble with comments on civil rights

Conflict & Justice

Dr. Rand Paul put the Tea Party on the political map last week as he handily beat GOP-blessed Senate primary candidate (Kentucky) Trey Grayson. But in the first few days after his victory, the novice politician stumbled on his first big political test.

The World

Is the Tea Party pulling the GOP too far right?

Global Politics
The World

This week’s agenda with Rob Watson and Reihan Salam

Global Politics
The World

President Obama’s UN debut

Global Politics
The World

Public Option vs. Republican Options

Global Politics
The World

Keeping Score with the Week’s News

Conflict & Justice

Joining The Takeaway to discuss Obama selling his health care plan, Clinton taking aim at North Korea, and a Harvard professor facing down police is New York Times editor Marcus Mabry and New America Foundation fellow Reihan Salam.

The World

The Legacy: Reactions to Obama’s NAACP Speech

Arts, Culture & Media

As the NAACP wrapped up the celebration of its 100-year history, President Obama addressed the crowd. Joining The Takeaway with their reactions to the president’s speech and the legacy of the NAACP are Geraldine Sam, Reihan Salam, and Farai Chideya.