Piracy in Somalia

Fishing Without Nets pirate

Fishing Without Nets tells the part of the Somali pirate story left out of Captain Phillips


If Captain Phillips was praised for shining a light on Somali piracy, Fishing Without Nets actually tells the story of what led those men into piracy in the first place.

Toronto mayor smoking crack

Toronto’s reputation goes up in smoke

Global Scan

Toxic! Britney Spears used as a weapon against Somali pirates

Conflict & Justice
Barkhad Abdi, a first-time actor who plays the lead pirate in "Captain Phillips."

How a childhood in Somalia helped one guy co-star with Tom Hanks in ‘Captain Phillips’

Arts, Culture & Media

America may be on hold, but bold moves are afoot in Somalia, Libya and the Arctic

Global Scan

U.S. Navy SEALs conduct hostage rescue in Somalia

President Barack Obama on Wednesday announced that the military had successfully completed a hostage rescue in a remote area of Somalia, where the American and Dane had been taken hostage.

Somali refugee helps people captured by pirates

After Somali pirates captured two people, a Somali refugee from London stepped up and helped negotiate their release.

Saudi oil tanker in pirate hands

A Saudi-owned oil tanker loaded with $100 million dollars worth of crude oil destined for the U.S. was seized by pirates off the coast of Somalia.

Fake ‘Somali Pirates’ Dupe Western Journalists

Arts, Culture & Media

The interviews with the fake pirates have made it into the venerable pages of Time magazine and have been broadcast in documentaries, one of which was reportedly shown in some 18 countries across the world.

Navy Seal Team Six and the Future of the American Military

On Tuesday night, the Navy’s SEAL Team Six rescued a Dutch and an American aid worker who had been held by Somali pirates since October. The pirates had held the aid workers hostage in a desert hide-out since October. SEAL Team Six first came into the general public’s awareness last May  after leading the mission to […]