Pablo Picasso

"Bust of a smiling woman," 1901, by Pablo Picasso, at the Reina Sofía Museum. 

The Picasso paradox: Museums grapple with how to remember the artist’s complicated legacy

Arts, Culture & Media

Fifty years after his death, some organizers have insisted on revisiting the artist Pablo Picasso in a new light, with exhibits and conversations focused on his problematic relationship with women.

People fly into the air as a vehicle is driven into a group of protesters demonstrating against a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August 2017.

Is Ryan Kelly’s Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph an American ‘Guernica’?


High profile art heists on the rise around the world

Arts, Culture & Media
U.S. soldiers examine the painting, "Wintergarden," by French Impressionist painter Edouard Manet, stolen by the Nazi regime and hidden in a salt mine in Merkers, Germany April 15, 1945.

German police find masterpieces by Picasso and others thought lost in World War II

Arts, Culture & Media

Want a chance to own a Picasso? And help preserve history?

Arts, Culture & Media

Why Rembrandts are highly popular with thieves

Arts, Culture & Media

There have been 81 thefts of Rembrandts in the past 100 years — the Dutch artist is the second most stolen artist in history, behind Picasso.

Madonna to Sell Painting ‘Three Women at the Red Table’ to Support Girls Education

Arts, Culture & Media

Madonna has announced plans to auction off a masterpiece painting “Three Women at the Red Table” that she’s owned for over 20 years. She says she’s doing it to raise money to support girls’ education in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

The Hundred-Year-Old Modern Art Show That Changed Everything

Next week marks the 100th anniversary of the 1913 “International Exhibition of Modern Art,” better known as the Armory Show – the art show that changed everything. The Armory Show was the first large exhibition of modern art in America. It was also the first time many New Yorkers found themselves face-to-face with the work […]

The World

Leave It to Beaver

The American Beaver is an agile engineer, and writer Mark Seth Lender applauds its skill.

Art Theft: From the Mona Lisa to Picasso’s Tete de Feme

In the past month and a half, a $200,000 Picasso sketch titled “Tete de Femme”  was stolen from a San Francisco gallery, a $350,000 Fernand Léger was lifted from a New York gallery, and eleven paintings valued at $387,000 were stolen from a gallery in Toronto.  High profile arts heists are on the rise around the world […]