The court in London announced its verdict on what’s been called “the biggest media trials in British history.” Rebekah Brooks, former head of Rupert Murdoch’s newspaper holdings was acquitted while former editor, Andy Coulson, was found guilty on at least one charge.
In the wake of the phone hacking scandal that continues to unfold, Lord Justice Sir Brian Leveson issued a 2,000 page report concerning British newspapers, their practices, and the relationships they have with politicians. The report cites News of the World in particular, and, by implication, its owner Rupert Murdoch, for unethical practices including threatening, […]
Thursday Lord Justice Sir Brian Leveson unveiled The Leveson Inquiry, a report that examined the phone hacking of British celebrities, politicians, athletes and crime victims at Rupert Murdoch’s former tabloid publication News of the World.
A British Parliamentary committee’s report on Rupert Murdoch has declared that the 81-year-old News Corp. CEO “is not a fit person to exercise the stewardship of a major international company.” The move was a blow to Murdoch’s media empire, which has considerable influence in the U.K. Murdoch’s influence in the United States, for example, is […]