A tattoo often comes with a story. And with many American veterans unable or unwilling to tell their stories in words, a pair of veterans have started collecting the stories behind the tattoos to help people understand the wars they fought.
What it means when you see a Russian guy with a knife tattooed on his neck
Israelis mark Holocaust Remembrance Day on Thursday to commemorate the six million Jewish victims of World War II. Reporter Daniel Estrin met one Israeli man who undertook a personal act of remembrance despite the objections of his father.
Greece, Saved or Sacrificed?
The ink is not yet dry on the Greek rescue deal and the gloom has already returned. How can it be that after months of arduous, often acrimonious brinkmanship no one thinks this latest accord is good enough? […]
Harvesting Tattoo Ink, not Coca
A U.S-funded program in Colombia offers farmer a legal alternative to growing coca– harvesting the blue pulp from the fruit of the jagua trees and selling it overseas as ink for temporary tattoos.