Heads of government of the Soviet Union

Why Stalin Remains Popular in Parts of Former Soviet Union

Arts, Culture & Media

Soviet leader Joseph Stalin was one of the most murderous dictators of the 20th century. And yet, 60 years after his death, he remains popular in some former Soviet republics – especially in his own nation of Georgia.

The World

Faking It: The Matrix

Global Politics

Only Stalin Daughter Dies

Arts, Culture & Media

Gorbachev, Yeltsin and the Demise of the USSR

Global Politics

A New Angle On The Roswell Incident And Why Russians Like Conspiracy Theories

Arts, Culture & Media

Statue graveyard in Moscow

Global Politics

Near Gorky Park, lies a grassy area full of statues of former Soviet leaders. After the fall of Communism, they’re propped up again for all to see without explanations of their crimes. Jessica Golloher has the details from Moscow.

The Living on Earth Almanac

This week, facts about… Fifty years ago, then Soviet ruler Josef Stalin declared an extensive tree-planting campaign.

The World

Afghanistan: Where Superpowers Go To Die?

Twenty years ago, the Soviet Union’s military retreated from Afghanistan in disarray. Their bloody nine-year conflict has often been called ‘Russia’s Vietnam.’ Now some Russians see America and its NATO allies heading for a similar destiny.

The World

Stalin’s grandson sues newspaper

Conflict & Justice

Jessica Golloher reports from Moscow on a lawsuit brought by Josef Stalin’s grandson against a newspaper. The libel suit focuses on an article that described Stalin’s actions leading to the deaths of millions of Soviet citizens.