
Fortuné gets up at 4 a.m. to prepare homemade spaghetti, which he starts selling at his stand at 6 a.m.

Fortuné’s big dreams and small spaghetti business


A 15-year-old orphan from the Central African Republic has started his own business to pay his school fees. And despite the odds, he has big plans.

Teen scientist Alexa Dantzler

Want to be a woman entrepreneur? Here’s advice from those who have made it

Jean-Louis Gassée, a former colleague of Steve Jobs at Apple. Gassée is now a venture capitalist based in Silicon Valley.

For French entrepreneurs, there’s no place like home — in Silicon Valley

Building Small Business Ties Between the US and Mexico

Venture Capitalists Invest In Younger and Younger Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship in the Developing World

Throughout the week, we’ve talked about entrepreneurship – from inventing our dream jobs to mentoring the next generation entrepreneurs. Today, we look beyond our borders, at entrepreneurship in the developing world. Most indexes that measure business environments around the world rate places like the United States, Singapore, and Japan, very highly. But in fact, we […]

Do Small Businesses Really Drive the Economy?

President Obama has been on  a tour to push his $447-billion jobs package, and he’s been meeting with small business owners in places like North Carolina and Ohio, making it clear that they are at the heart of his plan for economic recovery. Meanwhile, some Congressional Democrats  are already saying  that the jobs bill will need some major […]

The World

Out of the Box Housing

A company is making hurricane-proof houses out of used cargo containers.

The World

Green Entrepreneurs

Cashing in on the changing energy scene, a business school student enters a competition with a business plan for biodiesel.

The World

Why You Might Start a Business in a Recession

Takeaway contributor Beth Kobliner joins us with two entrepreneurs who are doing well in the recession: Marva Allen, co-owner of Hue-Man Bookstore in New York, and Jo-Ellen Stammen, who runs her own design business.