Eliot Spitzer

Spitzer Looks for Comeback With Run for NYC Comptroller

In New York, a once-disgraced politician is trying to be the next comeback kid. Last night, former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer announced his candidacy for New York City Comptroller. Spitzer resigned the governor’s post in 2008 in the midst of a prostitution scandal. But the former governor isn’t the only local candidate with a […]

Has the Government Let Wall Street Bankers Off Too Easily?

The World

Monopoly Redesign: Eliot Spitzer Edition

Arts, Culture & Media
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Governor-elect Andrew Cuomo heads to Albany

Global Politics
The World

One year on: banks after the bailout

Global Politics
The World

Eliot Spitzer on Regulatory Reform (And His Own Future)

Conflict & Justice

President Obama proposed sweeping changes to the country’s financial system. For one view on whether these changes actually address the root of the financial crisis, The Takeaway turns to Eliot Spitzer, former Attorney General and Governor of New York.

The World

Gubernatorial revelations redux

Global Politics

Faith and news analyst Brian Donovan examine the latest news in gubernatorial infidelity, courtesy of newly-installed New York Governor David Paterson.

The World

Judi Hoffman

Global Politics

Celebrity psychic Judi Hoffman talks to Faith about the prostitution scandal that brought down Eliot Spitzer, a fall from grace that she had predicted, way back in January.

The World

Spitzer scandal

Global Politics

Faith and Fair Game news analyst Brian Donovan examine the prostitution scandal surrounding New York Governor Eliot Spitzer. Hey, at least he remembered to wear his flag pin.