Crimean Tatar diaspora

Elmaz and her husband, Timur Barotov, refugees from Crimea who now live in Lviv, Ukraine

One year after the Russian takeover, refugees from Crimea share their stories


It’s been a year since Russia took over the Crimean region of Ukraine, sending thousands of people fleeing their homes. Among them are many Crimean Tatars, who have found surprisingly vibrant new lives in the city of Lviv, Ukraine.


Can Crimea really just ditch Ukraine for Russia?

Global Politics

Can Crimea really just ditch Ukraine for Russia?

Global Politics
Crimean Tatars demonstrate to keep Crimea part of Ukraine. They're holding yellow and blue balloons, the colors of Ukraine's flag.

For Crimean Tatars, the Ukraine-Russia standoff is full of risk

Conflict & Justice