Cornell University

The World

BirdNote ® Spoon-billed Sandpiper

One of the most rare birds in the world congregate in the far northeast of Russia to breed each summer.

Eating Dirt

Fresh Winter Foods

The World

BirdNote® Recording Sounds with Gerrit Vyn

Birds of the North Slope

The World

Emerging Science Note/Orange Cauliflower

Researchers have found the genetic mutation responsible for the orange cauliflower’s color. They hope it will lead to more nutritious staple crops like corn, rice and potatoes.

Cornell & the Ivory-bill

Earlier this year a birding team brought back a mysterious tape of knocking noises in a Louisiana forest. It was a woodpecker, but could it be the elusive Ivory-bill? Steve Curwood speaks with expert John Fitzpatrick from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology about listening for the lost bird.

The World

Woman’s work

With men getting laid off at a faster rate than women, we ask is there such a thing as a gender that’s recession proof?

The World

What the health of the economy means for healthcare

With the country focused on John McCain’s and Barack Obama’s health policy, few are assessing what the economy’s freefall means for healthcare. The Takeaway looks at how a beleaguered Wall Street and struggling Main Street will affect coverage and care.