
The World

Thom Pain

Arts, Culture & Media

We know the name of the man on stage, but we don’t know much else about him — he constantly revises his opinions and his portrayal of himself. In the acclaimed new play Thom Pain (based on nothing), playwright Will Eno explores some of the darker and lonelier corners of the soul. Eno and star […]

Why Are So Many Actors Playing Themselves This Fall?

Arts, Culture & Media

Tavi Gevinson + Ben Whishaw

Arts, Culture & Media

Day Jobs: Unannounced Standardized Patient

Arts, Culture & Media
Denise Gough and Andrew Garfield in "Angels in America: Perestroika"

Denise Gough finally breaks through

Alec Baldwin as Donald Trump

Alec Baldwin, connoisseur of jerks


Alec Baldwin has had a long, successful career in the movies and TV, but playing Donald Trump has brought him a new kind of fame.

Veep actor Matt Walsh

‘Veep’ actor Matt Walsh on spicing up scripts with improv


Matt Walsh explains how spontaneity finds its way on screen.

Rebecca Miller.

Why Rebecca Miller thinks every director should have to do some acting


Rebecca Miller is a writer, an actor and a director. Her new movie is “Maggie’s Plan.”

Tilda Swinton

Tilda Swinton isn’t interested in acting at all


Tilda Swinton started out wanting to be a writer. Here’s how she ended up becoming an actress.

Three children in tuxedos on stage at the Oscars

What it’s like to be the butt of the joke. One of the kids at the Oscars speaks out.


The precocious child star who was on stage as an “accountant” at the Oscars didn’t know she’d be the butt of an anti-Asian joke when she agreed to take the part. Neither did her mom.