Pico Iyer

Studio 360

LAX, Pico Iyer, Sontag

Airports This week in Studio 360, Kurt Andersen and the writer Pico Iyer check in at the curb and explore the allure of airports, from mariachi bands in Baltimore to motel views in LA.

Studio 360

Dalai Lama, Handey, Smell Safari

Body spray confidential. Kurt Andersen hits the drugstore with a physicist and a perfume critic, and finds out why personal products smell the way they do. And writer Pico Iyer talks about his unique friendship with the Dalai Lama. Plus, satirist Jack Handey has a spooky legend to tell.

Studio 360

High Finance & Old Japan

Hedge fund poetry and the secrets of old Japan. Find out how a job in the complicated world of high finance inspired the poet Katy Lederer. Despite 20 years of living in Japan, writer Pico Iyer embraces his outsider status there. The ancient Japanese tea ceremony finds a place in the modern world. And hear […]

Studio 360

Studio 360 in Japan

Studio 360 is big in Japan. Kurt Andersen hits the streets of Tokyo in search of cutting-edge art and design. Female art stars take on the schoolgirl stereotype; young rebels scream against an economic system that failed them. And Kurt goes undercover at the epicenter of all things nerdy to get a taste of otaku […]

Studio 360

Studio 360 in Japan

Studio 360 is big in Japan. Kurt Andersen hits the streets of Tokyo in search of cutting-edge art and design. Female art stars take on the schoolgirl stereotype; young rebels scream against an economic system that failed them. And Kurt goes undercover at the epicenter of all things nerdy to get a taste of otaku […]

Studio 360

Kickstarter & A Kids’ Book About Meth

Acclaimed young-adult novelist Jacqueline Woodson tells Kurt Andersen that teens are ready to read about drug addiction. Arts funding in the age of Kickstarter: a co-founder of the online crowd-funding platform believes it will soon eclipse the NEA — we’ll weigh the pros and cons of Kickstarter compared to government funding. And a scientist’s new […]