Big Brother is just a mouse click away. Our online activity is being tracked, recorded, and then sold to the highest bidder ? all thanks to a little line of programming code called a “cookie.” Its inventor, Lou Montulli, says that without cookies, the web would be even creepier. Produced by Studio 360’s Derek John.
Who says protest songs are just for liberals? Chris Cassone, a right-wing Woody Guthrie, and MC Hi-Caliber, aka Mr. Conservative, have a beef with the government. They’re channeling their frustrations into their music and bugging liberals in the process. Produced by Studio 360’s Derek John.
When Malcolm X was assassinated at 39, his book nearly died with him. Today The Autobiography of Malcolm X ? a favorite of President Obama and Justice Clarence Thomas alike ? stands as a milestone in America’s struggle with race. The Autobiography is also a Horatio Alger tale, following a man’s journey from poverty to […]