Casey Anthony tells bankruptcy court she has no money and no book deals


Casey Anthony, the woman who was acquitted last year of killing her daughter Caylee, finally emerged in public Monday where she told a court she was bankrupt and living off donations.

Appearing at a bankruptcy hearing in Tampa, Florida, Anthony said she lives with friends, does not own a car and relies on unsolicited gift cards and cash donations to survive, AP reported.

"I don't pay rent, I don't pay utilities," Anthony told the court. 

"I guess you could say I'm living for free or off the kindness of friends."

The 26-year-old denied suggestions she planned to sell her story or sign a television deal. 

Anthony's court appearance Monday was the first time she has been seen in public since she was acquitted last year of murder.

Dressed in a black jacket and white shirt and wearing a wide-brimmed hat, Anthony was shielded from the media scrum by her defense attorney, Cheney Mason as she entered the courthouse, AP reported.

She filed for bankruptcy in January, claiming about $1,000 in assets and $792,000 in debts.

During the 50-minute hearing, Anthony spoke calmly and concisely, mostly answering "yes sir" or "no sir" to the trustee's questions, the Orlando Sentinel reported.

She was forced to repeatedly deny suggestions she had any plans to sell her story, but admitted that in 2008 she sold 15 personal photos to ABC for $200,000.

She said the money was used to pay her defense team. 

Anthony's creditors include numerous people associated with her murder case, including her former attorney Jose Baez and her parents, George and Cindy Anthony, the Orlando Sentinel reported.

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