A Chinese cartoonist skewers the Communist rulers from afar

The World
Badiucao's political cartoon titled, "Parade." It depicts soldiers high-stepping in formation and exposing their pink underwear. (September 2nd, 2015.)

There's a Chinese man who decided to disappear on his own. He's a cartoonist who goes by the pen name: Badiucao.

I follow global political cartoons here at The World, so I've known about Badiucao since he went into exile in Australia a while back.

Badiucao's cartoon titled,
Badiucao's cartoon titled, "Great Firewall Selfie." It depicts arms reaching out from a brick wall struggling to take a picture during the opening ceremonies of the youth Olympic games held in Nanjing. (August 19th, 2014) Badiucao, China/Australia

I always wanted to know was the meaning behind his name. "Actually, it doesn't mean anything at all," he says. "I just picked it by the sound. Any meaning behind it can refer to my real identity. So I just chose a random name for myself."

" Chinstagram" by cartoonist Badiucao. The drawing shows the Instagram logo with a brick wall covering the lens (July 10, 2014).Badiucao, China/Australia

The pen name is for safety. China's communist government do not find his work funny.

Cartoonist Badiucao riffs on the classic image of Mao Zedong. This drawning has a cat in the place of Mao. A computer mouse dangles from its teeth (November 6, 2013).
Cartoonist Badiucao riffs on the classic image of Mao Zedong. This drawning has a cat in the place of Mao. A computer mouse dangles from its teeth (November 6, 2013).Badiucao, China/Australia

Badiucao draws for self-expression. "I'm probably not a good writer, but I can draw," he says. "And with my drawing I can give the world my voice. Also, I think cartoons are a good way to go against the dictatorship."

Badiucao shows a
Badiucao shows a "Young Pioneer" repurposing her traditional neck scarf into an anti-pollution mask. (December 23rd, 2015).Badiucao, China/Australia

Many in China saw his work on social media site Weibo. But viewers don't have much time to look. Chinese officials shut down his account quickly and regularly.  "I've reopened my account more than 30 times," he says.

Cartoonist Badiucao shows the presidents of Taiwan and China in a romantic embrace. (Novermber 7th, 2015).
Cartoonist Badiucao shows the presidents of Taiwan and China in a romantic embrace. (Novermber 7th, 2015).Badiucao, China/Australia

Despite the roadblocks and being forced to live in exile, Badiucao hopes his cartoons can challenge the authority of the Chinese Communist Party. "I want to use my cartoons to deliver a message: As individuals, we can still have our voice."

China Digital Times has just published a collection of Badiucao's cartoons in an e-book called Watching Big Brother: Political Cartoons by Badiucao.  

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