Spc. Brett Hyde, Tomb Sentinel, 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard), maintains his vigil during Hurricane Sandy while guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery, Va., Oct., 29, 2012. In 1948 the Old Guard assumed the post following the unit’s reactivation in the nation’s capital.
The New York City subway has shut down, the stock exchange is closed, and millions of Americans have evacuated their homes or are inside bracing for the worst of Hurricane Sandy.
But soldiers are still keeping vigil by the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington, Va. First Army Division East posted a striking photo Monday — one taken during heavy rains in September — to their Facebook page as a reminder.
Talking Points Memo's Igor Bobic pointed out the photograph. The Army division posted several other photographs later in the day that were taken on Monday.
Standing watch no matter what the elements is nothing new for service members who guard the tomb. In 2011, the Old Guard, a special platoon dedicated to guarding the memorial, stood by the tomb as Irene blew in, Capital Public Radio reported. Soldiers have repeatedly opted out of using a shelter that's available for them at the tomb, the radio outlet reported.
The tomb, which exists to honor service members killed in action who were never identified and holds some of their remains, is never left unattended. The Old Guard has been responsible for the post since 1948.
Watch video of the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier: