Julie Burstein

The hunt for the great white whale.

American Icons: ‘Moby-Dick’

American Icons

In this Peabody Award-winning show, Kurt Andersen sets sail in search of the great white whale.

Mercedes Seaer and Lonnie Poupard, Jr. in "4Chambers."

A dance piece that takes you inside the heart

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

The Telling

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Trisha Brown

Arts, Culture & Media

Kreutzer Sonata

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Caught in Tomas Saraceno’s Web

Arts, Culture & Media

Last year, MIT established a Center for Art, Science & Technology to integrate arts into its engineering-centered curriculum.

The World

Judging the Rosenbergs

Conflict & Justice

Federal judge Denny Chin and his team of New York lawyers and judges re-create historic trials. Their most recent effort is a one-hour version of the trial of atomic spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. With terrorist trials likely around the corner, Chin says he’s learned something from “Rosenberg.” Produced by Julie Burstein.

The World

Edible Estates

Arts, Culture & Media

The artist Fritz Haeg has been digging up and transforming front lawns from Kansas to California. His art project is called “Edible Estates: Attack on the Front Lawn.” Studio 360’s Julie Burstein found out that one of Haeg’s edible estates is just blocks from her house — she and the artist toured the neighborhood. With production by Andrea Silenzi.