Politics with Amy Walter: Prescription Drug Costs and 2020

The Takeaway

The rocketing cost of prescription drug prices makes the burdensome healthcare landscape more difficult to navigate for the millions of Americans that rely on a prescription. One thing that voters, regardless of party, have agreed on is that the cost of prescription drugs in the U.S. is way too high. Americans spend significantly more on prescription drugs when compared to any other country. But, why? SenatorAmy Klobucharjoins Politics with Amy Walter to discuss her work in Washington on reducing the cost of prescription drugs.

Sarah Kliff of The New York Times andYasmeen Abutalebof The Washington Post join us to discuss why there’s been such little movement on this subject, even though there’s broad support for reform. Finally,Nick Fandos, a congressional correspondent for The New York Times, joins us to discuss the House’s vote to authorize a resolution to establish the next phase of the impeachment inquiry. 

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