Podcast: 2019-05-21 Insurance Companies Continue to Deny Mental Health and Addiction Treatment Despite Law Guaranteeing Coverage

The Takeaway

Insurance Companies Continue to Deny Mental Health and Addiction Treatment Despite Law Guaranteeing Coverage

When the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act was passed in 2008, it supposed to guarantee insurance coverage of mental health and substance abuse disorders, it didn’t. 

Backlogs, Quotas and Rushed Cases: The Pressures Immigration Judges Face

Immigration judges throughout the country ultimately decide the fate of migrants.

The Juggle: Working In Your 40s

The Takeaway is tackling life your 40s and what makes this decade so unique. Next up: work.

Other segments: 

One Year After Sexual Assault Accusations Against Steve Wynn, RNC Continues Accepting His Donations

Over a year ago, the #MeToo movement caught up with casino mogul Steve Wynn. Today, the organization that cast him out in response to those allegations is continuing to accept his cash.

The Need for Wealthy Benefactors Creates an Ethical Dilemma for Museums 

The Met announced they’d no longer be accepting money from the Sackler family, but the Sackler’s aren’t the only donors creating problems in the art world.

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