Shawn Carrié

Shawn Carrié has reported on conflict and human rights in the Middle East since 2014. He has covered the war in Syria, migration in Europe, politics in Turkey, culture in Iraq, and civil strife in America. He is currently based in Istanbul.

Syrian children

For Syrian refugee children in Turkey, a ‘home with dignity’ is hard to find

Conflict & Justice

For refugees, it’s hard to access mental health and guidance, and even for those who do manage to get enrolled in school, the education system itself struggles to cope with the trauma that young Syrians carry into the classroom.

A woman crouches down and scrubs a large Persian rug in the desert.

Blame game over aid leaves Syrian refugees stranded in desert ‘death’ camp

Zaher Said came to Turkey in July 2011. He's holding his Syrian passport, which is about to expire, in his home in Gaziantep, Turkey, on May 20, 2017.

The bureaucratic nightmare of obtaining a Syrian passport abroad
