I-fan Lin

Global Voices Online

I-fan Lin is a contributor to Global Voices Online.

I was born, raised, and educated in Taiwan. I write about current Taiwan issues and events as well as the Taiwanese blogosphere. 

Collage of self portraits in black and white

After a well-known artist’s tragic death, Taiwan’s LGBT community demands marriage equality


Taiwan is considered one of the most liberal countries in Asia because of its LGBT-friendly environment. Yet Jacques Camille Picoux’s death speaks volumes about how being “friendly” is not enough.

‘The new student is the Dalai Lama!’ by Nana (koadenium).

Do blondes have better karma? Dalai Lama reimagines himself as ‘mischievous blonde.’ Really.

The Gender Equality Workshop at National Taiwan University held a one-month event for male students to wear skirts and share their experience.

Male university students in Taiwan wear skirts to support transgender community

Demonstrators shout slogans in front of the Presidential Office in Taipei on March 30, 2014. Thousands of demonstrators marched the streets to protest against the controversial trade pact with mainland China.

Some Taiwanese see their unwanted future unfolding in Hong Kong

Global Politics