Alexandra Raphel


Alexandra Raphel is a Master in Public Policy Candidate at the Harvard Kennedy School where she studies international political and economic development, with a regional interest in South Asia. Prior to moving to Boston, she worked for a Department of Defense organization that promotes foreign direct investment and business development in Afghanistan. As the daughter of a Foreign Service Officer, Alexandra spent much of her childhood overseas, which shaped her interest in international news from an early age. She has a B.A. in Political Science from the University of Chicago.

Troubled Waters: The End of USAID’s Kajaki Dam Project in Afghanistan


Eleven years and hundreds of millions of dollars later, a dam promised by USAID contractors in Helmand will be handed over to Afghans.

Afghanistan celebrates International Women’s Day with first women’s film festival


Water sanitation crusader killed in Karachi attack

The World

Andrew Pochter’s death a setback for public diplomacy in the Middle East

The World

Crisis in Egypt reinforces need for Pakistan to engage country’s youth

The World

Christians keeping the faith in Pakistan despite ‘intimidation and violence’


Amid ongoing persecution, what remains of Lahore’s Christian minority keeps tradition alive on Sunday mornings.