Ben Harden

The World

Ben Harden is polar oceanographer and meteorologist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

I am a polar oceanographer and meteorologist working at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts, where I investigate intense wind storms and how they drive ocean currents and mix waters between the equator and poles. This work puts me in close proximity to some really interesting people and stories in climate science, and I use radio and video to tell these stories on blogs and local public radio stations across the United States.

Ice scientists Ken Golden and Chris Polashenski drill a plastic tube into the Arctic ice cap north of Alaska as part of their research into melt ponds that form on the ice every spring. The ponds play a key role in the accellerated warming of the Arctic,

A scientist unlocks one of the mysteries of Arctic ice melt


On a research voyage through the Arctic ice cap, a scientist has a eureka moment, one that he hopes will help solve some of the riddles about Arctic ice melt — and what’s ahead for the rest of the planet as the climate warms up.