
Part 1: How many dams can one state hold?

India’s banking on 150 in Arunachal Pradesh to help fill its immense power needs. But the value of the land and cultures that will be lost is impossible to calculate.

Part 2: The threat to the environment

Part 3: Cultures in danger

Part 4: Adventure alternative

Photos: Arunachal Pradesh tribal people

Map of dams planned for Arunachal Pradesh

This map shows 113 projects, though the current number of planned projects is more than 147. All major projects are depicted here.

Half of India hit by second power grid failure

More than 600 million people were without electricity after India’s power grid failed for a second day.

The reason for India’s massive blackout problems

India has had a long struggle with power outages, and a new wave of them has hit the northern and eastern parts of the country.

The World

India’s energy crisis (INFOGRAPHIC)

India is struggling to provide enough electricity to its 1.2 billion citizens. An illustration of the country’s crippling energy gap.

India: Is privatizing power the answer?

This latest power failure, dubbed “Terrible Tuesday” by the Indian press, points to persistent and systemic issues in India’s infamous bureaucracy.