As Taiwan’s opposing political parties argue over constitutional issues, Chinese military exercises steadily bring ships and aircraft closer to the island. Taiwan’s president wants more defense spending, while the opposition wants to avoid provoking China.
The Republic of Georgia, located in the center of the Caucasus, and with Russia on its northern border, is a polarized nation. Over the weekend, Georgians went to the polls to vote in parliamentary elections. The result: a contested election that could plunge the country into a political crisis.
The Ciudad Juárez Marathon, in northern Mexico, is known for having an Indigenous category, which attracts runners from the Tarahumara tribe. The group has a long tradition of running long distances while wearing sandals, and have even inspired a trend of barefoot running around the globe. But a new generation of Tarahumaras wants to run in different types of shoes.
In October 2019, huge protests exploded across Chile. They began against increased public transportation fees, but they soon grew into the largest protest movement the country had seen since the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. Those in the streets dreamed of transforming the country, but five years later, reforms have yet to be made.
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